How to get approval from Investment Fiji?

The following steps must be undertaken by investors wishing to establish businesses in Fiji:

1.   Office of Registrar of Companies (ROC)

  • Reservation of business/company name

2.   Investment Fiji

  • Registration must be done via submission of a completed Application Form to Investment Fiji Office in Suva, Lautoka & Labasa, accompanied by a Registration Fee of F$2,875.00 [$2,500 + VAT (15%)]. An application form can be obtained from here.
  • Applications take five working days to process
  • Guide to Investing in Fiji
  • Post Registration Checklist

3.   Office of Registrar of Companies (ROC) will then:

4.   Immigration Department

The investor will then need to apply to the Department of Immigration who will:

  • Check criminal history/connection and character as required by the Immigration Act
  • Issue key post work permits to foreign investors
  • Work Permit Checklist

5.    Reserve Bank of Fiji (RBF)

Once registered with Investment Fiji, a foreign investor holding a FIRC must apply directly to the RBF  who will:

  • Approve the issue and transfer of shares to non-residents
  • Confirm the remittance of investment from offshore
  • Check veracity of individuals seeking transaction approvals where required by RBF procedure
  • Issue & Transfer of Securities to Foreign Citizens

6.   Fiji Revenue & Customs Authority (FRCA)

  • Ensure ROC registration has been obtained prior to processing applications
  • Register the enterprise for Income Tax, PAYE & VAT purposes, and issue Tax Identification Numbers (TIN) provided enterprises comply with application requirements.
  • Tax Registration Checklist

7.  City/Town Council Business Licenses

8.  Fiji National Provident Fund

  • Registration of employee and employer – superannuation.

9.  Other Government Agencies – depending on the nature of business.