There has been a number of Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) signed by TLTB with government institutions, ministries and municipal councils to ensure a collaborative approach in the way that it will handle the iTaukei communities through data and information sharing.
Partnerships have also been inked with those that have iTaukei landowners and tenants as customers thus having similar issues to solve. For example, municipal councils have ratepayers who are also TLTB tenants so by sharing data we can work together to solve common problems and common issues.

Through the MOU, inter-agency forums are formed to meet on a regular basis and to discuss issues critical to the concerned institutions, ministries and municipal councils. We hope to strengthen this partnership through information sharing and provision of other services that will benefit TLTB and other organisations to fulfill their statutory obligations and responsibilities to serve their stakeholders better. Organisations and institutins who are in partnership with TLTB are:
- Reserve Bank of Fiji (RBF),
- Fiji Revenue & Customs Services (FRCS),
- South Pacific Stock Exchange (SPSE),
- Energy Fiji Ltd (EFL),
- Housing Authority of Fiji (HA),
- Nausori Town Council,
- Nasinu Town Council,
- Ministry of Lands & Mineral Resources,
- Lami Town Council,
- Fiji Pine Limited,
- Investment Fiji,
- Ministry of Local Government, Housing Development & Urban Development,
- Ministry of Local Government, Housing & Environment,
- Water Authority of Fiji (WAF),
- Live & Learn Environment Education,
- Fiji Forest Industries Ltd,
- Wildlife Conservation Society,
- Ministry of Sugar & Industry Tribual,
- Fiji Development Bank,
- Ba Provincial Holdings Company Ltd,
- Ministry of Agriculture.