The iTaukei Land Trust Board (TLTB) is organising a series of public consultations and pocket meetings in various villages and settlements around the country to address itaukei land and leasing issues.
Recently the areas we have covered include Solove, Coqeloa and Tabucola in Macuata, Sabeto in Nadi, Koronubu and Veisaru in Ba, Naduri, Navosa and Lomaivuna in Naitasiri.
These various sessions allowed us to listen to the farmers and gauge tenants’ expectation on the ground.
The purposes of this consultation were to:
(i) Listen and address their complaints and queries on all itaukei land and lease related matters;
(ii) Facilitate Government development programs and initiatives on itaukei land;
(iii) Discuss expiring leases and resolving long-standing disputes;
(iv) Arrange the payment of arrears;
(v) Provide advice and directions on new lease applications, re-assessment, survey, transfer, boundary pegging and disputes, surrender, land dealings, etc.
(vi) Attend to landowners’ queries on itaukei land and lease funds.
(vii) Advice landowners on reservations, de-reservations and extinct mataqali land;
(viii) Seek suggestions from TLTB stakeholders on how best it can further improve on its land management services; and,
(ix) Clarify its role in line with current policies, procedures and relevant legislations.
These evening sessions will be replicated to other parts of our communities for the rest of the year as part of TLTB’s on-going visibility effort.
For those who wish to come to the office you can still visit us during the day from Monday to Friday; in Suva, Nausori, Korovou, Rakiraki, Ba, Labasa, Savusavu, Nadi, Lautoka and Sigatoka.
#postcovidrecovery #itaukeiland #itaukeilanddevelopment