Landowners Affairs Division

 Landowners Affairs Department

The Landowner’s Affairs Department was established to focus on managing the interests of landowners in business, commerce, and investment. To fulfill this role effectively, it is essential to have a thorough understanding of land owning unit (LOU) assets (asset capitalization) and to provide sound advice and mechanisms for managing LOU resources and funds. This approach aims to enhance the welfare and livelihoods of landowners. Our Landowners Affairs Officers are stationed at each Regional Office to assist operational staff in these specific areas.

Trust Department

The Trust Department oversees the distribution of lease funds, manages the assignment and investment of land-owning unit (LOU) funds, and administers minors’ funds, including investment, insurance, and support for medical and educational needs.

Reserves Department

The Reserves Department looks after allotment, reservation and de-reservation of itaukei land in Fiji. It is a Government-funded initiative through the Ministry of iTaukei Affairs whose key role is to conduct Reserves Sittings to verify the landowners’ claims and consent for allotment, de-reservation, reservation and ultimately for leasing and licensing purposes.

Estate Services Division

Central Eastern Region

Located in Suva, the Central Eastern Region oversees all estate operations and controls and manages all leaseholds on iTaukei land in Serua, Namosi, Rewa, Tailevu, Naitasiri, Lomaiviti, Lau, and Kadavu. Its key responsibilities include consulting landowners to provide their land for leasing for agriculture, residential, commercial, or industrial purposes; conducting ground inspections and GPS surveys; screening applicants; selecting suitable candidates; drafting lease agreements; collecting rent and fees; and handling inquiries from tenants and landowners.Nausori Sub-Region looks after Tailevu South and part of Naitasiri (Navuso).

Korovou Sub-Region looks after Tailevu North.

North-Western Region

Based in Lautoka, the North-Western Region manages all estate operations, control and oversight of all leaseholds on itaukei land in areas from Vuda to Matawalu including the Yasawa Group. Key responsibilities are to consult the landowners to provide their land for leasing either for agriculture, residential, commerce or industry, conduct ground inspection and GPS, screen applicants, select suitable candidates, draw up a lease agreement, collect rent and fees and handle tenant as well as landowners’ inquiries.

Ba Sub-Region looks after part of Ba Province.

Rakiraki Sub-Region looks after Ra Province.

South-Western Region

Based in Nadi, the South-Western Region manages all estate operations, control and oversight of all leaseholds on itaukei land in areas in Nadi. Key responsibilities are to consult the landowners to provide their land for leasing either for agriculture, residential, commerce or industry, conduct ground inspection and GPS, screen applicants, select suitable candidates, draw up a lease agreement, collect rent and fees and handle tenant as well as landowners’ inquiries.

Sigatoka Sub-Region looks after Nadroga-Navosa.

Northern Region

Based in Labasa, the Northern Region manages all estate operations, control and oversight of all leaseholds on itaukei land in areas including the province of Macuata and Bua. Key responsibilities are to consult the landowners to provide their land for leasing either for agriculture, residential, commerce or industry, conduct ground inspection and GPS, screen applicants, select suitable candidates, draw up a lease agreement, collect rent and fees and handle tenant as well as landowners’ inquiries.

Savusavu Sub-Region looks after the province of Cakaudrove including Taveuni Island and Cikobia Island.

Tourism Department

Based in Nadi, the Northern Region manages all estate operations, control and oversight of all tourism leaseholds on itaukei land in Fiji. Key responsibilities are to consult the landowners to provide their land for leasing either for agriculture, residential, commerce or industry, conduct ground inspection and GPS, screen applicants, select suitable candidates, draw up a lease agreement, collect rent and fees and handle tenant as well as landowners inquiries.

Conveyance Unit deals with the stamping of titles through the Titles Office.

Land Services Department

In 2022, the Board made a strategic decision to create the Land Services Department to facilitate the development of fully developed lots and expedite pending leasing issues. This includes addressing matters related to valuation, surveying, and constructing access roads.

Research & Policy Department

This is a research and policy arm of the Board which was renamed after the cancelation of the Research & Development Department in 2021.

Customer Service & Complaints Management Unit

The Customer Service & Complaints Management Unit is responsible for customer services at the regional offices, managing complaints from customers (including landowners, tenants, and prospective tenants) regarding iTaukei land and the services provided by TLTB. Their role involves receiving complaints, logging them into an internal recording and referral system called CMS, and ensuring timely solutions before updating the complainant.

Arrears Recovery Unit

Our Arrears Recovery Unit is responsible for the development of a more focused arrears collection strategy to help reduce costs, save time and maximize resources for the landowners.


Corporate Services Division

 Board Secretariat

The Board Secretariat is responsible for all matters pertaining to the function of the Board of Trustees. The Board Secretary, a senior member of the Senior Management Team, oversees the efficient administration of the Board Secretariat. This role involves ensuring compliance with statutory and regulatory requirements, implementing the decisions of the Board of Directors, and keeping all board members informed of their legal responsibilities.

Finance & Administration Department

The Finance & Administration Department is responsible for managing our finances and collecting rents, royalties, and fees from our tenants. Additionally, it oversees general administrative tasks, including procurement and asset and property management.

Human Capital Management Department

The Human Capital Management (HCM) Department plays a strategic role in effectively managing TLTB’s workforce to align with the organization’s business objectives. The key responsibilities of HCM include talent acquisition by attracting and selecting individuals with the right skills and attributes, fostering employee learning and development, implementing a competitive benefits and rewards system, maintaining positive employee relations, conducting workforce planning, ensuring occupational health and safety, and developing and enforcing policies. By fulfilling these responsibilities, the HCM department aims to attract, develop, and retain a talented and motivated workforce, thereby driving overall organizational success. The HCM department is centralized at the TLTB Head Office in Suva.

Department of Information Technology & Special Projects

The Information Technology Department is responsible for designing, planning, delivering, operating, and controlling IT systems. Its role also includes securing and maintaining our overall IT infrastructure, including systems, software, networks, and databases.

Department of Strategic Planning & Special Projects

In addition to planning, the department serves as the Board’s performance monitoring arm, guiding each unit to achieve the objectives outlined in the annual Strategic Planning document. The department also manages relationships with our partners, including government entities, international organizations, and financing agencies, to explore new opportunities for expanding and delivering excellent land management services in Fiji.

Governance, Audit & Risk Management Department

The Governance, Audit & Risk Management Department is responsible for identifying, assessing, and controlling threats to TLTB’s capital and earnings. These risks can arise from various sources, including financial uncertainty, legal liabilities, strategic management errors, accidents, and natural disasters. As TLTB moves towards digitizing its records, IT security threats and data-related risks have become a top priority, necessitating robust risk management strategies to mitigate them. Internal Audit is responsible for conducting audits of our systems and processes. The role of internal audit is to provide independent assurance that TLTB’s risk management, governance and internal control processes are operating effectively. It looks beyond financial risks and statements to consider wider issues such as the organisation’s reputation, growth, its impact on the environment and the way it treats its employees.

Change Management & Productivity Unit

The Productivity Unit serves as the Board’s innovation arm, guiding improvement teams in analyzing organizational challenges and developing more efficient work methods. They utilize various productivity and improvement tools, such as quality circles (QC), 5S, Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), the Fiji Business Excellence Framework, and the Quality Management System (ISO 9001:2015).

Geographic Information System (GIS) Unit

Led by the Geospatial Information Coordinator, the unit is responsible for managing all geospatial information of the Board. This information is derived from various land data, which is captured and stored internally on a map overlay for enhanced analysis, reporting, modeling, and planning.

Corporate Communication Unit

The Corporate Communication Unit manages the Board’s communication strategies, both internal and external, including media relations, crisis communications, and staff-manager communications. They are also responsible for maintaining TLTB’s reputation, managing relationships with landowners, potential and existing tenants, and overseeing marketing communications.