TLTB contributes to ‘4 Million Trees in 4 Years’
April 7, 2019
Our Digital Land Jan – April | 2019
April 20, 2019TLTB has been notified through its whistleblowing hotline that an individual by the name of Sheik Naseem has attempted to sell some residential and commercial lots along the Nadi Back Road.
The iTaukei Land Trust Board (TLTB) wishes to advise the general public that there has been a number of attempts by individuals to sell itaukei land in Fiji without following the proper process as stipulated under law and in which TLTB was established to administer.
TLTB has been notified through its whistleblowing hotline that an individual by the name of Sheik Naseem has attempted to sell some residential and commercial lots along the Nadi Back Road.
Furthermore, TLTB has been informed that its logo is being used on a subdivision plan and advertised on the Nadi Expats Market Facebook page where 20 lots are being sold for $120,000 each.
TLTB confirms that it did not issue any development lease to Sheik Naseem nor it approved a subdivision on the site that is currently advertised and therefore the advertisements are not to be taken as legitimate dealings in itaukei land. TLTB would like to reiterate that by law, unless all dealings in itaukei land are sanctioned by TLTB, they cannot be taken as valid.
TLTB would like to reassure the public that all dealings in and with itaukei land will continue to be processed in line with its policies and procedures.