Sponsorship is defined as a commercial arrangement in which a sponsor provides a contribution in money or in kind, to support a service, event or facility or program in return for specified benefits. Sponsorship differs from grant programs or donations. For us, sponsorship arrangements will only be considered when there is alignment with objectives outlined in the Strategic Corporate Plan and benefits to TLTB are demonstrable.
Some recent sponsorships made which we believe will help us achieve our overall objectives as an organisation were given to:
- Fiji Performing Rights Association Awards (Best iTaukei Song of the Year),
- Pacific Blue Foundation (Veitau Waqa – The Boat Lives),
- Fiji Geospatial Information Council Conference (FGIM),
- Institute of Internal Auditors Conference,
- Fiji Institute of Valuation & Estate Management (FIVEM),
- Fiji Cancer Society,
- Hilton School,
- Fiji Society for the Blind,
- Netball Fiji,
- Lifeline Fiji,
- Scripture Union.