Our Vision

To excel in land services and the economic empowerment of our landowners.

Our Core Business

Sustainable land development to enrich the lives and livelihoods of our landowners.

Our Core Roles

  1. To control, manage and monitor iTaukei land by way of leases and licenses
  2. To collect and distribute premiums, rents and royalties derived from leased land
  3. To ensure sufficient lands are reserved for the use, maintenance and support of its itaukei landowners, including the control and management of extinct Mataqali lands.
  4. To empower landowners leveraging on itaukei land for wealth creation

Our Mission Statement

In the best interest of the landowners, we will:

  1. Deliver competent and resilient estate land management services to itaukei owners and all our stakeholders.
  2. Provide the best financial and investment services to the iTaukei landowners to achieve landowner entrepreneurship and ensure sufficient land are reserved to meet their immediate and future needs
  3. Automate through modern technology, systems and processes to accelerate organizational growth, innovation and business delivery.
  4. Promote partnerships with government, regional and international sustainable development goals and conventions.
  5. Promote equality of opportunities for all Fijians, develop human capital management and recognize performance.
  6. Uphold good governance, inclusiveness, visibility and inculcate a culture of growth, innovation, productivity and excellence in the workforce.

Our Core Values

Trust & Transparency
Effectiveness & Efficiency
Integrity & Inclusivity

  1. We will ensure to maintain and protect the Trust of our landowners, customers and people by being Transparent as best possible to provide landowners and tenants the information that they need to be able to make informed decisions.
  2. We will take Accountability of our actions at all times.
  3. We acknowledge that there is strength in Unity and accomplish a great deal together, we believe in teamwork, collaborating across divisions and engaging with all levels to achieve common goals.
  4. We will always endeavor to provide customers with quality information by keeping ourselves Knowledgeable with developments to offer the best land management services to our landowners and our people.
  5. We will ensure effectiveness and efficiency by always endeavoring to provide the best level of services to landowners, our customers and our people.
  6. We will uphold integrity and ensure inclusivity in all our dealings.